Sunday, April 26, 2020

day 41

Another day in Paradise Found

     I may be on a lucky streak.
     I found the missing puzzle piece Friday and today I found the missing bike lifts.
     John asked me last summer if I knew were the spare lift was.  I bought them in the old house, which means it was at least 10 years ago.  I have not seen them since we moved.
     These are really great German manufactured bike hangers.  You attach them to the ceiling and use ropes and pulleys to hang your bike out of the way.  They are easy to use and install and work well.
     The problem is/was.... I could not find the second one I had.  I know I bought two, and one is in use. 
     Years ago, as a freshman at NIU, I had a class called something like "Speech for business majors."  It was a class on public speaking taught by a woman named Rosemarie Ostberg.
     She was pretty blunt in class and demanding, yet she was also a great teacher.  I gained the confidence to speak in front of people from her.
     Later, after Jackie and I married, we started attending church in DeKalb and Dr. Ostberg was a member there.  We became friends and were often in a fellowship group with her.  She was the person who got me interested in theater.  After Easter, our church put on a week or two of celebrations.  She cast me in a little play called, "What aAe We Going to do With All These Stinking Fish."
She worked with me on dialogue, walking, stage presence.....and I think the production went off pretty well.  I may even have a copy of the script somewhere....heavens knows I never toss anything away.
     This isa digression.
     One of her topics was "frozen evaluations."  Sometimes our memory pictures things as we think they were, but in reality were not.  We freeze on that and refuse to think things may be different.
     The bike hoists I bought were in a white box. 
     I looked all over for that white box last year and again this year.  Went through boxes, sometimes twice.  Found lots of stuff I forgot we had, but no white box packed away.
     Today I went into the garage to once again go through the four boxes of crap when I looked up on the plastic storage shelves and glimpsed a box with German words on it.
     I pulled it down and there was the bike hoist.  In a brown box, not white.    Furthermore, there were two maybe there are two hoists.
     The weirdest thing is I looked at the shipping labels to see if I could find a date.  What I found was the German made hoists were sent to a supplier in the Chicago suburbs and the supplier sent them to me.
     Name of the supplier? 
     Wal Mart. 
     Go figure, huh.
     Stay healthy, stay safe, stay home.

Peace and Love

     PS......I sometimes write to Rosemarie, who is in her 90s and living in California.  I'm putting it on my list for this week.  It has been a while.

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