Saturday, April 18, 2020

day 33

I finally got a chore done!

     Actually, 3 jobs done! 
      I planted peas.  I have two four foot rows, with two rows for each row.  Make sense?  Directions say to plant two rows, six inches apart.  Other rows can be planted 24 inches apart.  Four rows.  I can almost taste the peas already!
     Last year we planted peas, two kinds of beans, carrots, cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.  The tomatoes did not do well,  the green peppers were not so great and there were not a lot of cucumbers.  Strawberries?  If they don't come back, I will plant more carrots.
     Last week recycling guys did not pick up my box of cardboard because, well, it was in a box.  Today I cut the boxes up and put them all in a recycle bin.
     I also took all the recycles I save for the zoo and put them in the recycling bin.   I think, at this point, I will not be going back right away.  I want to see what the virus is doing before I put myself in a situation where people are right next to me.  Call me crazy, but mentally I would be a mess. 
     I took a puzzle break today......long overdue.
    Watched the special and was entertained. I think my favorite number was the last one....but I also liked Lady Gaga and Sir Elton and the Stones.   And Paul.     Guess I pretty much liked all of it.
     Stay safe.  Stay sheltered.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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