Wednesday, April 15, 2020

day 30

And now, for something different

     I have been involved with VCCT for over 35 years, if my math is correct.  First show was 1982 or so...maybe 83.
     One of my favorites was Harvey.  You have seen the movie, I am sure, with Jimmie Stewart as Elwood P. Dodd, who has an invisible rabbit as a friend.  I was cast as Elwood P. Dodd.
     It was a great show...met the other Terry and his wife and we have been friends ever since.
     Elwood has a speech where he is asked to explain Harvey......and it was one of my favorite parts of the play.
     So, here it is.

ELWOOD - Uh huh - Well, I wrestled with
reality for thirty-five years, doctor, and
I'm happy to state I finally won out over

       Oh, Harvey and I sit in the bars
and - have a drink or two - play the juke
box. And soon the faces of a-all the other
people - they turn toward mine - and they
smile. And they're saying, 'We don't know
your name, mister, but you're a very nice
fellow.' Harvey and I  warm ourselves in all these
golden moments. Uh - we've entered as
strangers -- soon we have friends . And
they come over and they - they sit with
us, and they drink with us, and they talk
to us. And they tell about the big terrible
things they've done --- and the big wonderful things
they'll do.
Their hopes and their regrets,
their loves and their hates. All very
large, because nobody ever brings anything
small into a bar. And then - I introduce
them to Harvey. And he's bigger and
grander than anything they offer me. And -
and when they leave, they leave impressed.
The same people seldom come back, but -
that's - that's envy, my dear. There's a
little bit of envy in the best of us.
That's too bad. Isn't it?

     Just a thought for the night.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love.

And thank heavens I don't have any huge invisible rabbit watching over my shoulder!

Working on the road today.... can't seem to find the bike rider's head though.

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