Friday, April 3, 2020

day 18

Another day....another, what?  I'm confused

     I still have a lot to learn about Jackie's car.
     It will always be Jackie's car, because she wanted it.  I drive it.
     Yesterday I discovered that Corki is not light enough to not trigger the seat belt warning beep.
    In answer to a trivia question...42.  That's the number of times the car chimes if the front seat passenger isn't belted up.  Oh!  Did I mention that it does that about every 15 minutes the car is running?
     I had the radio blasting and could still hear it.  After a while you start counting, wondering just how many beeps will sound.  I counted 42, which I thought was a very random number.  Why not 40?  Or 50? 
     There I was, cruising down the highway, radio on high, roof open and the wind roaring through and I could still heard that damn beep beep beep....I will not do 42, just to spare you.
     Julia told me today I should have connected the belt before putting Corki in the car.  I wish I had known that.
     Supported a local restaurant with a pizza pick up tonight.  I sometimes forget Vince's, which  does have really good pizza.  We now get mediums, because that lasts us at least 2 meals and a lunch.  Larges last forever.
     Took the old girl for a short walk today.  Corki.  Not Jackie.  I did that two days ago (again,  Corki, just to clarify)  and picked up litter along the way.   I carried a garbage bag with me and almost filled it with paper, plastic bottles and other crap. Couple of beer cans, McDonald's cup and a Portillos's cup.
    What the hell!  Portillos is in DeKalb and Rockford.  Some idiot bought at least a drink there and drove with it for at least 20 miles before figuring it was cluttering up the car and tossed it out the window.
     Or it blew out of the back of a pick up truck.  Or it dropped from an airplane flying overhead.
     I don't understand why people think littering is acceptable. 
     I have to go to bed early tonight....will need all day to make a mask I can wear out in public.  Folding cloth is not one of my skills.
      Stay healthy.  Stay home.

Pete and Love

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