Tuesday, April 14, 2020

day 29

Almost hit my limit today

     I had a schedule:  clean our bedroom and bathroom by noon; attend meeting from noon to 1; lunch until 1:30; plant peas in the garden, bring out front porch chairs; 2:30 make a cup of coffee, work on my puzzle and ride the inside bike until 4:30 or so.  Then make dinneer and clean up.
     I forgot about the call we scheduled at 1:30 to talk about our life insurance;  that went until 2.  Then I figured I better call about the doctor bill I keep getting that insurance says I should not pay.  That took an hour.  While cleaning the bedroom the vac fell apart and I discovered the roller was filled with dog hair.     Who knew?
     So I didn't finish the bedroom until 3:30.
     In other words, my whole schedule fell apart the minute I got out of bed!
     Holy heck!  And in answer to your thoughts, I had a terrible night sleeping.    Yes, I got to bed by 10:45 but I heard the cuckoo at midnight and again at 12:30 or 1, I am not sure which beause I did fall asleep.
     I did not kick the dog off the bed, so that was a plus.
     We have someone come every other week to clean.  During this time, we have not felt comfortable with anyone coming in the house, and the cleaner has not felt comfortable going into the homes of her older clients.
     So I clean.  I have my own style and way.  Instead of cleaning the whole house, I do some on Monday, some on Tuesday some on Wednesday and I'm done.  But by then, the Monday and Tuesday parts are ready to be tidied and sometimes I skip a day, which puts me a day off.  Like today, I did Monday's cleaning.
     The main downside is the entire house is never clean at one time.  I didn't realize until today how much that bothers me.
     I'm just not sure it bothers me enough to change my schedules.
     But what drove me almost off the deep end.......at 7 I looked and my hearing aids were not in the charger.  The charger was on, but no hearing aids.  Not by the computer, not in my sweatshirt pocket, not on the counter, nowhere.  On a hunch, I checked the garbage and voila!  They were caught up in a paper towel.  That was truly a scary experience.
     By the way, Facebook reminded me that one year ago today we had about 6 inches of snow.  Gotta love spring.
     Stay safe.  Stay in place.

Peace and Love

Slow progress is still progress.

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