Sunday, April 12, 2020

day 27

I gotta stop late nights!

     When I went to bed about 1 last night, or this morning, I woke Jackie.
     That was the third straight night I toddled off to bed after midnight.......and I can't do that anymore!
     I made a vow:  Starting tonight, in bed by 10, lights out by 10:30.
     So I started  working toward that goal at 7.
     Finished the dishes.
     Put a load of laundry in the washer.
     Turned down the bed.
     Heard Corki doing that gagging sound that usually indicates something ugly is about to happen.
     Of course, she crawled under the table to urp up supper.   I grabbed paper towels and the trash and crawled under the table to clean it up.
     She moved, and threw up again.  I banged my head on the table trying to get to her to put paper towels in front of her.
     She moved a few inches and I started to clean up the second spot when she urpped again!  And once again I banged my head on the table.
     What the hell is it with dogs that they can't puke on the hardwood or on the paper towel their loving master is putting in front of her.
     The magic number was 7.  Seven times she barfed.  I hit my head four times because I am a slow learner.
     Otherwise, this was a pretty nice day.  We talked to Julia in Switzerland, Bob and Anita in Florida, my brother Carl in Florida, Judy in Rolling Meadows, texted with Joe in Hanover Park and talked to Sheri right her in good ole Rochelle.  Our final call was to Emily to ask her advice on the puking dog.
     While we didn't have ham for dinner, I had some Iowa cut chops from Headon's.  I cooked them in my cast iron skillet and I thought they turned out great!
     Hope your day was a happy one.
     Stay safe.  Keep your distance.  Keep Healthy.
Peace and Love

Jackie's magnolia has some blossoms!

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