Wednesday, April 29, 2020

day 44

Sometimes I think all is lost

     Especially today.  I went to WM to pick up a prescription and I sent my credit card in through the pneumatic tube.  (I love that word pneumatic.  Silent p, new spelled incorrectly....great word).  When the prescription came out, I took the tube into the car, opened it up and took out the script.  But I did not find my card.
     I buzzed the pharmacy and the man who sent the prescription said he put it in the container.
      Now, I know all the people there and I do not doubt his word.  But I did not have a card.
     He checked the containers, but it was not in any of them.
     I pulled around the corner and checked in my car....nothing.
     So I went into the store to double check.
     I forgot there is a limit on customers.  I also forgot what it was like to stand out in the rain waiting to enter.
      Luckily it was only a few minutes and I was not too wet. card in the pharmacy.
     My credit card literally disappeared.
     I have a Capital One card and I never leave home without it.  (channeling Karl Malden...remember him?)
     They texted me and asked if the card was used for a purchase.  I replied yes.       Then they sent me another text saying good to know, and I typed no.  So they put the card on the inactive list.
     I got home and called and they are sending me a new card, should arrive in about 2 or 3 days.
     But it is a mystery.  The pharmacy guy said he remembers putting it in the container and even offered to let me watch the security video of him doing so.
I trust him, completely.
     Now I'm wondering if the card fell out onto my lap, and when I got out of the car to look under the seat, it may have fallen into the parking lot.
     Or it could be under the seat, between the seat, in the cushion....even though I looked in all those places.
     The other possibility is it got raptured...........but I doubt that.
     Anyway, new card on the way.  I really love Capital One for their security and service.
     Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe.
Peace and Love

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