Tuesday, April 21, 2020

day 35

I am tired of this weather

     I admit I am kind of a weather wimp.  I am fine when it is in the teens, but lousy when it is in the 40s and 50s. 
     I was going to go out and trim today, but I stepped outside and froze my nose half way off.  Yes, it was in the 40s, but it was too cold for me to work outside.
     I had to run to our doctor's office and forgot a mask....so the staff there gave me one.  I can't believe I forgot the mask.  I put them in my one car, then took the other.  Now I have masks in both cars.
     I am getting anxious about getting back to "normal."  I want to see stores reopened, and people back at work.
     But I also realize this is serious shit going on around us.  I saw a Tweet the other day from a normal person and she said on April 19 there were 15 pages of obits in the Boston Globe.  15 pages. 
     So although I want to get back to normal, I don't want my friends, family, neighbors, or me to become infected.
     Yes, I realize the numbers are pretty insignificant in a country of 350 million. 
     But I have read what this disease does to people.  Not just old people, like me, but young people, kids.  I have a friend in the city whose husband was not feeling well at the start of the stay at home orders.  He eventually was tested for Covid-19 and was positive.  By then he had infected his wife and son.  She said it was the worst three weeks of her life.  The pain, the coughing, and just being tired.  Even now, after recovering for three weeks, she still does not have the energy she used to have.
     So.....normal can wait. 
     I'll stay isolated.  And hopefully safe. 
     I do worry about my daughters and my friends who work on the front lines. (Yes, Curt, that is you.)  Stay safe.  Stay healthy.
     And the rest of you....same message:
     Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home.
Peace and Love

See the missing piece in the lower left?  I have tried every piece  that shape and none fit.  None.  I don't get it!

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