Thursday, April 2, 2020

day 17

I couldn't take it anymore

     I went to Starbucks.  Today.  I drove 20 miles for a white chocolate raspberry mocha.  It felt good.  And it tasted good.
     I would buy that at Cypress House, but can't.
     So Corki and I made the drive.
     We went through drive up and when they took my card, Steven looked at Corki and said, "Aw what a cute dog."  Then he called the other workers over and Miss Corki took in a few minutes of adulation.
     He also gave me a small cup with some whipped cream, which Corki enjoyed immensely.
     Emily dropped off groceries that she and John have bought for us.  I am still not allowed to go into stores.  And I did check, she said Starbucks was ok.  I in turn dropped some stuff off at Linda and Dan's since it was on the way.
     By the way, I used a sanitizing wipe on my card after it was given back to me.  Then I wiped the sides, top and bottom of the cup.  Then I sanitized my hands and that was all before the first sip.
     When I got home, I settled in and got a text from Emily telling me to look by the back door.  I did, and this is what I found.

A new puzzle!
     Those of you who know me realize I have a love for France, especially Paris.  When I work on this puzzle, I will try to have a glass of wine, or a coffee and croissant, close at hand.
     Just noticed I don't have my glasses on....wonder where the hell I left them this time.
     Stay home.  Stay safe.  Stay healthy
Peace and Love

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