Wednesday, April 22, 2020

day 36

One tenth of a year........

     That's how long I have been confined.  We have been confined.  This better be worth it.
     How the world is changing!  We had a doctor's check up today, done over the phone.  In hindsight it seemed rather pointless, no labs to discuss, no medication changes, no major issues.
     I was mucking around in the basement today and found a box of our old silverware.  Well, it's not actually silver.  Flatware, I guess.  Then I found another box.  And a third.  I think we have service for 60. 
     Jackie agreed with me that it all goes to the resale shop once the stay at home order is lifted.
     We have a service for 12....and I don't expect us to have more than 12 over for a meal anytime soon. 
     Today was the first day of my 30 minute pledge.  For 30 minutes I will go through stuff in the basement and try to sort, separate, sell, or donate.  It's not easy for someone like me to get rid of stuff.
     John came for a quick visit this morning.  Had to.  Jackie decided to sit down in the shower.  She did not exactly fall, just more or less sank to the ground. 
     It is the first time since November we have needed help .... so I take that as a good sign.
      I now have two spaces that I can not find pieces for in my puzzle.  It is frustrating, to say the least.
     There was a meteor shower last night, but I did not see any.  I went out at 11, it was cloudy.  1:30 and it was partly cloudy.  3 and it was cloudy.  Who says I don't sleep well?
     At 11 the coyotes were just howling like crazy just south of my house.  It was eerie and a little scary.  Yet I was fascinated by the sound.  I also heard them north of my house......I don't know if it was the same bunch or a different group.       They were not as loud, so I am guessing they were farther away.
     When I went out at 1:30 it was evident there was a skunk in the area....what a stink!
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Two spots, same shape, but nothing that shape fits either one!  How can that be????  Grr....... maybe tomorrow.

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