Saturday, April 25, 2020

day 40

This was quite the day

     I got a happy 40th day greeting from NY Kathryn and 40 is the correct day, for us at least.
     And I got to spend some time with some of my favorite people at a Jimmy Buffet party.  We did it on messenger and it was fun to laugh for a while.... you are crazy people!  And funny!  And I am glad to know you all.
     Jackie didn't fall, I got the sky done on my puzzle, and I even went through some boxes in the basement.
     We moved into this house almost 8 years ago.  There are boxes that we have never opened.
     I found:  78 records, mostly German; a scrapbook with 1930's era postcards; about 12 boxes of photos that belong to Emily, Julia, my mother, Jackie's aunt and uncle, and me; two boxes of Golden Books; a box with two potato chip tins and a bunch of dog toys; (note:  we did not have a dog at our old house) a dessert set that was maybe my mother's; a box of 33 and 1/3 albums; but not what I was looking for.
     I have a bike hanger that attaches to the ceiling.  I have one in my garage and I had a second one at one time.  We had it at the old house, in a box, and I am sure we moved it, but I can't find it.
     One more place to look because maybe I am working with a frozen evaluation of the may not be in the original box afterall.
     When I stop looking for it, I will find it.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love
Yesterday I posted two pictures and asked what the difference was between them......and yes, I found the missing puzzle piece!  I have a plant in the basement that I don't water.  It lost a lot of leaves.  Yesterday after I was done working on the puzzle, I decided to finally pick up the dead leaves.  As I was on my hands and knees, I noticed the puzzle piece leaning up against the wall amongst the dead leaves!  It's bottom was facing out, so it blended in with the trim.  It felt good to slip it in place.

Any idea how to cook rabbit?
Julia drew this of me when she was in fourth can I toss this??

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