Friday, April 24, 2020

day 39

I don't notice things very well

     Maybe someone has shaved off a beard, or grown a beard, or gotten a new hair cut..... I don't seem to notice.  (I would notice the beard on a woman, however.)
     Details are not my strong suit.
     But at least one of you notices!  Colorado Kathy pointed out that I actually had 2 day yesterday when I said day 37 or whatever, it was actually day 38, so today is 39.  I think.
     Hopefully I have fixed that faux pas.  Or, I could have made it worse.
     All I know is I got out today and it felt good.  Two days in a row I ran errands and I have not gotten sick, yet.
     I wore a mask and was very surprised when I went into a food place to pick up supper and none of the employees were wearing masks.  None of the customers were either.  That does bother me a bit.
     I keep thinking:  How safe is my food?
     When I got home I was careful to roll the food onto a plate, toss out the containers and sanitize my hands and the counter.  Is it enough?  Time will tell.
     Also got another free coffee.....there is a really nice person in town buying coffee and it is truly appreciated.

     Now for you to test your observation skills.
     What is the difference between these two pictures?

     Notice anything?
     If not, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the answer.  It's a stunner.
     BTW... no falls today.  It was no falls Friday.  
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

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