Monday, April 13, 2020

day 28

I feel like one of those monkeys

     You know the ones...hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.....well, except for the evil part.
     It's the see no part that fits. 
     I spent a long time looking for one stinking puzzle piece on Saturday.  I could not find it.  I looked closely at every piece,
     Today I went downstairs to work on the puzzle and there it was.  Right in front of me!  I know I picked it up a dozen times Saturday, but it never fit.  Today it fit.
     Go figure.
     At that point I should have been the speak no evil monkey, but I may have said a few choice words.
     Thanks for all your good thoughts for Corki.  She had a rough night.  In addition to the 578 times she barfed, she was sleeping on the bed with us and got up about 1:30.  When she got up, I moved my legs and knocked her off the bed.
     And no, it was not revenge for the 554 bumps on my head.  Inadvertent. 
     I did go bike riding in the basement today....4 miles.  First time I have ridden in over a month.
     And I sent Emily and John a text message with our grocery list.  At least I thought I sent it to John.......but he never got it.  Someone else did, but I don't recognize the number. 
     Seniors and technology...always good for a laugh.
     We did use technology to talk to our nephew and his wife in Switzerland.    They too are in quarantine and working at home.  They do go out and take walks.  I am just thinking a walk in the mountains might be a little neater than a stroll down Shagbark Lane.
     I did get to bed by 10:15 last night and am on track for a 10 p.m. bed time tonight. 
     Small steps.
     Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Progress is in was good!

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