Friday, April 10, 2020

day 25

What the hell is happening to me?

     I ate breakfast at 11:30.  I showered at 1.  It's midnight, and I have not done the dishes.  Furthermore, I don't plan on doing them tonight.
     It's like I have lost control of time.
     I do spend too much time on Facebook, so I have to figure how to cut out some of that.  And I read the Tribune every day, maybe I don't need to be so compulsive about the news.  Depressing, anyway.
     I don't go to bed very early, and I sleep late.  Last night a new reason to wake up at 3:30....the water softener was making a gurgling noise during its recharge.  In almost 8 years, I have never heard that noise!  It really concerned me.  Has it always done that and I have been asleep?  Ot is something wrong that I should have looked at?  Is my glass half full, or half empty?
     Speaking of glasses, no wine during puzzle time today!  Coffee instead. It seemed to go better, but it is still slow.  The gray brick roadway seems to be a bit of a challenge.
     I did wear a mask when I went to pick up dinner  tonight....I was the only person I saw wearing a mask.  Thought that was strange.
     Last thoughts of a cloudy night:  Usually I love taking a deep breath of night air.  Tonight is smelled like somebody was burning garbage.  It was putrid.  And it sounded like someone on Flagg Road was having a party!  Tremendously loud music at 10 p.m......very strange and maybe not very safe.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love
It's a start....and the right size

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