Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 24

I don't work well with myself

     My gawd I complain a lot about me!
     I work too slow, or go too fast.  I talk to much.  I listen to the wrong music, or no music.
     If I was my boss, I would fire me.
     I started my new puzzle today.  It was not a good start.
     There is a picture of the puzzle on the front of the box, then one on each of the sides.
     But they don't match!  The ones on the sides have different elements, or are missing elements, from the one on the cover.
     Now, one would think it would be logical to say go with the box cover.
     But no.... someone has to moan about it for 20 minutes.  Get over it.
     Anyway, this is not an easy puzzle for me.
     Ok, I forgot to check measurements.  This puzzle is a tad smaller than the others I have done, which explains why I spent 20 minutes trying to find pieces for the sides that  I don't need because the puzzle is 2 inches smaller.  Ok, I figured that out.
     But it is giving me fits.
     Since it is a puzzle of Paris, I figured a glass of red might put me in the Paris frame of mind but it only seemed to muddle my perceptions.  And don't was 5 o clock somewhere!
     Thanks to Emily for the grocery drop off....and thanks to Wendy for the muffins.  You are a Very Good Neighbor!  And a Very Good Daughter! 
     Stay safe!  Stay Home!!
Peace and Love

Wednesday's sky was pretty ominous but proved harmless

The lines will be straighter without wine tomorrow.

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