Sunday, April 5, 2020

day 20

I violated stay at home directives today

     I went to a Apple Rive Canyon State Park, Dewey Lake in Michigan, and Corseaux, Switzerland.
     And I did it in less than two hours.
     How?  A magic fire.
     This was one of my goals for the next couple of weeks...burn off the pile.
     I discovered there were 3 Christmas trees there, not two.  It was long over due for burning.
     So, why is it magic?
     I lay down in the grass and closed my eyes.
     A neighbor was mowing, and the purr of the mower took me back to Dewey Lake.   I spent many summer days laying on the porch, reading comic books, and listening to the boats  purr across the lake.  These were my aunt's and uncle's cottages, and they were  heaven.
     Sometimes I would hear the Jennings/O'Reilly kids down by the lake and I would rush out to swim with Deannie and Beth and their six sisters.  We'd play in the sand and laugh.  Done with swimming, we'd end up playing a never ending game of Monopoly.....nobody ever went broke or got rich.  We just played.
     My brothers would sometimes be there, or cousins, or other relatives.  For a 12 year old kid it was heaven.
     We stopped going there when I was maybe 16.  I was working, my mother was working, my brothers were either at school or in the service and we didn't have the time to go anymore.
     I still miss it.
     The fire crackled and popped and with my eyes closed I could picture the campground at Apple River, with John and Dave and me sitting around the fire.  Sometimes talking, sometimes listening, sometimes just sitting quietly.  Three old guys who have been friends for most of their lives. 
     I treasure those times.
     A breeze picked up and suddenly I was napping on Julia's glider on her balcony in Switzerland.  I was chilly, but it didn't matter.  I could see Lake Geneva and the boats sailing effortlessly across the waters.   I could see the snow capped Alps on the other side, and I was cold yet warm at the same time.
     I must have been there an hour.  During that time I forgot about Covid-19.   I had no responsibilities.
     It was magic.
     I hope you all can find a magic fire in these challenging times.
     Sadly, mine is  now gone.
     Be safe, stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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