Saturday, April 4, 2020

day 19

I felt a little off today

     Not off, as in sick.  But off, as in not with it.
     I saw several neighbors out working in their yards...picking up sticks, dethatching their lawn, just puttering in the sun.
     I saw people walking, riding bikes down our street, roller blading, walking their dogs.
     I sat in the house.
     I did ventrue out on the deck for a few minutes, but it was still a little chilly for me.  I can't work outside when I am cold.  I can't ride my bike when it is cold.
      I am a wimp.
     Tomorrow I plan to plant peas in the garden and burn off my burn pile.     Hopefully I will have the time to do that.
     I still have to finalize plans for my nature garden in the back of the yard.  I have been planning this for months and if I don't get it in this year, it won't go in at all.
      I have waited too long as it is.
     I also took out the garbage.  I know, no big deal, right?  But our trash is picked up on Friday...which means I filled a bag in one day!
      That's what happens when you order out two nights in a row! Lots of containers.
     I am careful.  I wipe the bags off, then take the food out, being careful not to touch it with my bare hands.  I roll it onto a plate then toss out the bag and all the wrappings.  Then I wipe down the counters where all the stuff sat.  I also use a sanitizing wipe to clean my credit card.  I also got gas for the mower.  Put on a disposable glove and tossed it when done, then sanitized my hands.
     It might be overkill, but I am taking no chances.
     For the next several weeks I have a few projects:
     Put together my Switzerland book from last summer
     Put together my new puzzle
     Plant part of the garden
     Burn the pile
     Go through the 8,673 pictures I have on the computer and eliminate most of them
     Go through slides in the box in the basement
     Cut out magzine pictures for the zoo
     Learn how to flamenco dance
     Develop a super power
     Clean the den

     Time will tell which ones get done, and which ones are skipped.
     Be safe my friends.  Stay at home.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

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