Monday, April 6, 2020

day 21

Is it over yet?  I can't watch

     Is this really day 21 for me to be "confined?"  I have been pretty good about not going places.  But how long can that last?
     We finally put out our meager Easter decorations Sunday.  I  think we lost track of time.  When Easter comes, we will pack them it will only be out a week or so.
     Luckily there are not a lot of decorations.
     We do have a 5 foot tall wooden rabbit.  The first night it was up, I had had some wine.  When I got up for my 2 a.m. prostate exercise, I walked into the living room and the thing scared the bee jee bees out of me!  I thought it was Harvey, that invisible rabbit friend of Elwood P. Dowd.  Only this time it was visible.
     So now I put the alarm on at night.  Hopefully that will help me sleep.
     I also have not had wine in over a week, which will allow me to think more clearly at 2 a.m.
     Technology is amazing.  In the past four days I have talked with my Swiss daughter face to face on Skype.  I have seen my little block playing buddy and heard her sing a Frozen song on Messenger.   We have talked to Jackie's brother and his wife  in Florida on Facetime.  I took part in two Zoom  meetings, seeing actual faces of people who were talking.  And I have not left the house to do any of that.
     Hell, a few months ago I didn't know how to use most of that stuff, so it has been a learning experience.
     I guess old dogs can learn new tricks. 
     Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay connected.
Peace and Love

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