Wednesday, April 8, 2020

day 23

I'm feeling a little melancholy, baby

     For  those of you who have been following me for a while, you will know that tomorrow is the anniversary of one of the worst .... and best... days of our lives.
     In the early evening hours on April 9, 2015, an EF 4 tornado destroyed the homes of my daughter and several neighbors.
     It was a huge tornado.
     Amazingly, no one in the subdivision was seriously injured, although two people did lose their lives in a small town several miles to the northeast; Fairdale. 
     There was literally nothing left of her house.  When I got to her house, John was  standing in the driveway and he looked stunned.  He was just staring at what used to be a house.  A home. 
     In addition to losing all their stuff, they lost two dogs.  They thought they lost a cat, but weeks later that critter resurfaced, much to everyone's surprise.
     So why was it a good day?
     No one got hurt.  Primary reason.  Main reason,  Most important reason.  My daughter, John, everyone was alive.
     And the army of people who came to help .... it really does still bring tears to my eyes.  The friends who helped clean up, sort, stay with Jackie, drive with me to a vet at almost midnight, who dropped off food and vitally needed money for the two of them to buy clothes and dog food..... you will never know how much your are still appreciated by me.
     Ironic timing.  Tonight was the final night of Modern Family, the long running very funny sitcom.  For the past 11 years Jackie and I have watched, and laughed, at this group of people.  And tonight, we said goodbye.
     Yes, they are a tv family.
     But 5 years ago we were reminded of how important family is, whether they are related to you or not. 
     And during this tying time, we are again reminded of how important family and friends are.  So take care of yours.  Stay home.  Stay distanced.  Stay healthy.  Stay connected.
     If we can rebuild after a storm, we can rebuild after this.
Peace and Love

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