Monday, April 27, 2020

day 42

I had no desire to do anything today

     I should have cleaned our bedroom and bathroom....but I just was unmotivated all day.
     I did finish the missing pieces!
     Now I am  taking a a puzzle break.  I have some other projects to work on over the next couple of weeks.  Photos and slides, mainly.
     Just a statistical update.
     So far, my blog has 180,000 page views over the last six years.  I am thankful for everyone who reads this drivel and who laughs, or cries, at my efforts to keep a New Year's Resolution.
     Over the past week there have been views from Switzerland, Russia, Turkministan, Sri Lanka, Portugal and Argentina.  I do believe, outside  of Switzerland,  that people have just mistyped something, which brings them to my page.
     Except for the Russians....they are looking for dirt they can use in November.
Vladi, if you are reading this, I think you are not a bad guy after all....just the media doesn't like you.
     Short and sweet.....stay healthy, stay safe, stay home.
Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! So great! I don't recall when you started it but I sure enjoy it. Puzzle looks great!
