Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Rooskies are back

I tell you, it's not collusion

     Last week I had 10 page visits from people in Russia, and 9 from the Ukraine!
     I had not seen any visitors from either region for a while.....wondering if they think the water is safe for swimming after the Mueller report? 
     I better watch what I say about leadership in the oligarchy, wouldn't want to be poisoned or disappeared by anyone who gets offended.
     There were also three visitors from the United Arab Emirates......which always surprises me.
     The topic of the Russian blog readers came up today during brunch at a restaurant.  The event was a fund raiser for the museum and about 80 people attended, ate, and bid on items in a silent auction.  We also saw a short reader's theater presentation on the history of Rochelle as told by souls of the departed.
     I ate too much, as usual.  But I balanced it out by skipping lunch and supper because I was still full.  Ok, I did have a piece of cherry pie, but nothing else.
     Jackie and I watched the Cubs play Texas and I kept thinking those people look awfully cold in Texas.  What's it going to be like in Chicago for  the first week of games in April?  I think Mother Nature has gone insane.
     A couple of ladies were walking a dog past our house today and Corki barked at them.  Then she sat in front of me and just stared at me!
      I know what she was thinking......when are we going to go for walks like we used to?  Those people are doing it!  Why are you just sitting there watching those people play baseball?  C'mon!!  Get up!!  Get  my leash!!
      In retrospect, it would have been better than watching the game.
     Time for some Tums.......
     Peace and Love

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