Friday, March 1, 2019


Life was very good today

     We had a fondue/raclette night tonight, and a few friends gathered around the table to eat, drink, and make Mary.  Mary was not happy at being made, but that is life.
     We had a Swiss fondue..... melted cheese, mixed with some white wine and kirsch.  We dipped freshly baked bread in the mix while sipping wine or hot tea.
We also had raclette.  It is hard to explain raclette.  We have a raclette maker.  On the top granite block you cook various meats.  Under the block you take a triangle and put cheese on it, then slide it under the heat.  Once the cheese melts, you scoop it onto little boiled potatoes, load up another triangle, and eat the first one.  There are fixings to add:  tomatoes, cornishons, (a real little tart pickle), onions to name a few.  Some people put the fixings on the triangle and the cheese either under or over it.  Some just do cheese and add the rest when they pour it over the potatoes.
     One thing about the Swiss.......eating is a fun experience.  Both meals are group events.  You have to talk to eat!
     Most of our conversation was around the meat.  I never put it on early enough.  We started the meat at 6:30 but at 7, when dinner was served, the meat was not quite done.  We had jalapeno bacon, regular bacon, and one inch strips of steak., and it all cooked slowly.
     Of course there was dessert....and wine....and more wine....and coffee.... and tea...and conversation.
     Sometimes I wonder why I am so blessed with the friends and family I have.
     Emily and John were a big help in getting everything on the table on time.  My two hands don't work as fast as they used to.
     I did have a moment of panic.  I put the fondue pot out, got everything set and discovered I did not have any fuel.  Luckily the local hardware store had something close that I could use.  Otherwise, the fondue would have been fondon't.

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