Friday, March 22, 2019

ah chew

Pardon my sneezing

     For some reason, I start sneezing.  I go for about 15-20 sneezes, then my nose starts running and I am done.
     Allergies?  A cold?  Some other reason?
     I wish I knew. 
     I may be getting a cold.  My throat is a little scratchy and I am very tired.  which seems to be all the time lately.
     This weekend I have to read about 150 pages in my hard to read book on French resistant fighters in WW II.  I borrowed the book on an inter-library loan.  I have renewed it once, but when I went to renew it again I was told no...too many renewals.
     Now, maybe it's me.  But I think one renewal is not too many and I don't see a big demand for a book on French resistant fighters in WW II.  So I guess I have to return the book, then check it out again in a week or two.  The print is really small and it is hard for me to read, which means I only read for a few minutes at a time before falling asleep or going to bed.
     Woe is me, huh.
     Time to call it a night.
Peace and Love

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