Tuesday, March 5, 2019

losing it....

I figured out my slide problem

     I am doing a presentation at our museum for Chautauqua week.  If you don't know, Chautauquas were very popular in the early 1900s.  The week long program would bring entertainment and culture to small, rural towns.  Singers, orators, speakers were all part of the early programs. 
     Our museum does one, and the theme this year is Roads Well Travelled, or something like that.  Since I have been to some interesting places, I was asked to speak about my experiences.
     I thought a slide show would be the cat's meow.
     But the museum has Windows, I have Mac and my slide show program only runs as a video on the Windows frame.
     Several people suggested Google's Slides as a solution.
     I read tutorials, looked at videos, and started to play around with the program.
But yesterday I screamed in frustration.  I placed 4 slides.  But I could not place any others.  I was beside myself.
     John took some time to familiarize himself with the program and came over to help.
      I showed him what I had done, and when I went to load a slide he said to hit the insert tab, not the slide tab.  I did, and it worked.
     Now, remember I had gotten 4 slides into the presentation.....so at some point Sunday or Monday I had to have placed the slides using the insert tab. I had to, otherwise they would not be there.
     It baffles me that I could do it one day and be completely befuddled the next.
     The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Peace and Love

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