Monday, March 4, 2019

Oh for the good old days

I sometimes miss the olden days

     Those days before technology set out to drive me insane.
     I have Cubs tickets for this year.  Four of us bought 8 game packs.  Tickets are distributed electronically only, no paper tickets, so I have to figure out how to download the tickets to my phone then send them to the other folks.
     Might as well ask me to fly.
     And I am trying to do a slide show.  Having some difficulty.  I know it does not help to scream obscenities at the computer, but it did make me feel better.
I know I will find someone to help me.  Because my figuring it out will be about as possible as asking me to fly with a backpack on my back.
     I scan my card, insert the chip, punch the numbers and always wonder if my card will be compromised.  I worry.  I fret.  I continue to use the card.  Getting me to assume that all transactions are safe will be as possible as asking me to fly with a backpack on my back and extra large pepperoni, sausage, Canadian bacon stuffed pizza in my hot little hands.  And now I am hungry.
     Jackie thinks I am crazy.  I got my first Reader's Digest last week.  Why does she think I am crazy?  It's the large print edition.  I can read it without my glasses and without straining my eyes.  It is a comfort read, because I read it when I was much younger.
     And I didn't have to worry about flying, or eating pizza, or whatever....I could just read a paper product.  Manually turning the pages.  With my hands, like nature intended.
     Technology is for the birds.
     Peace and Love

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