Wednesday, March 20, 2019

double damn

I got off track a little

     Most of this week I have been in bed by 11 or 11:30.....but it is after 12 and I am just wrapping up the day.
     I ran a lot of errands and spent more money than I should have today.  I bought a new bike helmet and a light system that I can mount on the helmet or on the bike, my choice.  I also got the bike tuned up and ready to go for the season.
Now I just need weather I can ride inrides even .  There's a neighborhood guy who is out riding when it is freezing cold.  Yes, he is a lot younger than me, but even when I was younger I could not ride in cold or rain.  I  guess I am a wimp.
     There was also an Exit 99 meeting at my house.......for those of you who don't know my life story, Exit 99 is an improv comedy group we put together 10 years ago.  My friends Carrie, Beth, Terry and me make up the group.  I think we are pretty darn funny and I love hanging out with all of them.
     We are doing a show in April, a benefit for the renovation of the old Lincoln School as a theater.  We talked about what we were going to do at the show and laughed a lot.  It was a fun night.
     Of course, it was rainy so I missed the super moon tonight.  There is a possibility of seeing the Northern Lights this weekend, so that means it will rain or be very cloudy.  That's my luck.
     Father time is calling....the Sandman is tickling my nose.  Time to hit the hay.
Love and Peace

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