Wednesday, March 6, 2019

a quiet day.....

Today was a fairly normal day

     That, my friends, is unusual for me.
     I managed to read the Trib, work on my slide presentation, finish a crossword puzzle, and go to church.
     The crossword puzzle was, well, puzzling.  I have a book of them and I am on puzzle 35 or so.  I started last Thursday and just hit a wall.  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday passed and I still had about 9 clues I did not get.
     Suddenly, during tea time this morning, I solved two of the clues and the rest just fell into place.  It's funny.  I have read a clue over and over and I did not have an answer then....poof.  I know the answer.  I think my brain has been searching in the dark corners and it just took a little time.
     I started a new puzzle.  Hopefully it will not throw me as much as the previous one did.  And yes, the answers are in the back of the book....but those are only a last resort.
     I have placed most of my pictures for the slide show.  I have to do them one at a time and I bet I placed the same picture twice about 20 times.  I spend more time deleting than  I should.  I have to go by the image number, and if I get distracted, or called away, I sort of guess at where I left off.  Now I am writing my stopping point down on paper. 
     That's it.
Peace and Love

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