Sunday, March 24, 2019

kind of chili

I ate a lot of chili today

     A lot.  Butternut squash chili, three bean, no bean, just chili, macaroni chili, apple something  chili and others I can't remember.
     We had a chili cook off at church today.  Jackie and I sampled, but I did not make chili, only cookies.
     I used to make chili.  But sometimes it just didn't taste right.  Every year I say I am going to find a recipe for next year, and I never do.
     But cookies?  I  can make them. I made my favorite, Amish sugar cookies.    They cook thin and crisp and almost melt in your mouth.  I did manage to eat a couple before and after and during the event, and I think I have hit my cookie limit.
     I realized today how much I really do like chili.  Maybe it's time I start experimenting and seeing what I can come up with.  Maybe a bison chili, or chicken, or alligator.  Now that would be neat.  Alligator chili.......hmm.  Alligator chili...the dish with a snap!
     Jackie and I also talked to her brother and sister in law in Florida.  They were sitting in 80 degree temps while we still have the gas fireplace on.  I can't seem to get warm.
     And I did not get to see the Northern Lights.  I looked, but nothing.  I guess someday I will have to go north to see them again.  I saw them once on a camping trip to Isle Royale, years ago.  I'd love to see them again.
     All this talk about food has made me hungry......maybe there is still a cookie or two hanging around.
     Peace and Love

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