Friday, March 15, 2019

just wondering

I am a bit confused today

     I know, what's abnormal about that?
     I went to a bike shop in downtown DeKalb.  I want to buy a new helmet.  Julia gave me a gift card for this shop at Christmas.
     I am looking at helmets and talking to a man.  Many decisions to consider.
We have talked for 5 minutes or so, just chit chatting about bikes, lights, falls, helmets.
     I tell the man. a very nice, personable, good looking guy, that I will think about it and come back next week.
     He said that was a good idea and he'd look forward to seeing me come back.
     As I was leaving he said:  "Have a great weekend, Ter."
     Why am I wondering?
     I never told him my name.  Never gave him any information about me.
     And Ter?  Only a few people, people I have known for years, call me that.
     Maybe I misheard him.  Maybe he said I care, or there, or bear, or something else.  But I had my hearing aids in and it was, to me, pretty distinct.
     So, if anybody knows who works in the bike shop in DeKalb, message me and tell me who he is and how I would know him.
     I am also wondering why people think that people who are color, religion, sexual preference, nationality, physical abilities......different in any way...  why are there people in the world who think it is ok to  hate and kill because of that difference?
     Supremacists are evil people.  There are no nice guys, or good people,  in the bunch. 
     My heart aches for the families who lost loved ones in New Zealand.  And for folks who have lost loved ones anywhere in the world  because someone thought their race was supreme.
     Peace and Love.....but especially Love, tonight.

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