Tuesday, March 19, 2019

invention idea

I have an idea for a new invention

     It's called an erase button, and you can move it to a situation and hit it and it will erase the original situation.  Neat, huh.
     I was thinking of that as I made my fifth appointment with the oral surgeon to begin the implant process.
     The first date was perfect, except for the fact I had a previous very important thing to do.  So I rescheduled.
     I rescheduled to April 29.  Emily said that was a good day.  I called the office to confirm, only to discover I actually scheduled for April 24.  I guess my 9 and 4 are not completely clear.
     Emily could not do April 24, so I called again and rescheduled to a day that Emily is gone so I made yet another call and set a date.
     I don't care if I have to walk there, it will get done.
     Normal patients don't need a driver, but because I am a wimp and have elected to be put out, I will need a driver.  I told Jackie she may have to take me, but I won't let her out of the car because in an altered state, I may not get her back in.
     If I had an erase button, I could have hit it several times to get the right time and date the first time.
     And now that I sit here, I have to wonder if the date I wrote down is the correct one, because, well, it's me.
     I think making the appointment will take longer than the implant.
Peace and Love

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