Friday, March 8, 2019

go figure

My life is sometimes filled with oddities

     No, I don't mean my friends.  None of them are odd.  Well, maybe one or two.  But they know who they are and I don't have to out them as oddities.
     Take my lips.  Please.
     When I go to the zoo, I always put a lip balm in my pocket.  Why?  So I don't get chapped lips, silly. 
     Here is the mystery:   On days I don't take one, because I forget a lot, I will get half way there and my lips will become dry, like a desert.  I start licking them, and they become chapped, like a cowboy.  I stop at a CVS and buy a lip balm.
     On days I remember to take one, my lips are fine all day long.  I never use the lip balm once.  Yet on days I forget, it gets used constantly.
     Another mystery:  Why when I leave the house do I have to stop in DeKalb to relieve myself after drinking one cup of tea at home, but I don't have to stop after having two glasses of water and a large coffee on my way home?
     Why don't I ask all the questions when I am in the Apple store with my broken computer?  And all the questions would have included, so what does that mean if the battery is bad?  Will it just not charge?  Can I just plug it into an outlet and use it that way?  What is a Bluetooth mouse??    That's a mystery too.
     I better get to bed.  I'll never make it by 10:30, because it is almost 12 now.  If this was tomorrow night, I would maybe  be ok.
     Or not.  Maybe I am just an oddity myself.
Peace and Love

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