Friday, March 29, 2019

oh no....I didn't

I sort of fell off my wagon today

     I hve been trying to eat better.  Seriously.  I have had french fries twice in the past month, and sadly, it has been two times in one week.
     I am weak.  I had a taste all day for, believe it or not, a McDonald's filet o fish.  Seriously!  That golden crispness has been weighing on my mind all day, maybe for the past couple of days.
     It is not a religious thing.... I really love fish sandwiches.  Culver's has a good one, and so does the zoo.  Actually, they are both better than McDonald's, but I had a craving.  And so I had french fries with it. 
     Now I am so hungry, I am thinking of opening the box of thin mints I have hidden in a bag in the den. 
     I have not had a Starbucks in a week, which is surprising since I have driven by about 5 of  them in the past 7 days.  Tomorrow is market day at Cypress House, and I most likely will wander down there and have a coffee and check out what is for sale.....if I get up in time.  And get Jackie in and out of the shower at a reasonable hour.
      Because you see I am weak.  I am hooked on sugar.  I crave it.  It's my forbidden love.  Cookies, candy, sweets......I can't break the habit.  I do try, but in the end, I lose.
     Now, where did I hide those thin mints again?
Peace and Love

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