Thursday, March 21, 2019

that was .... well....interesting?

I bought my winning lottery ticket tonight

     Normally I go in, pick up the sheet, fill out the numbers, and pay.
     Tonight I went in, picked up a sheet, filled out the numbers and stepped into the middle of a loud argument between several people.
     Not sure what started it, but the young kid who looked strung out on something besides life, yelled the f word several times as he walked through the store.  The lady behind the counter told him to take his attitude outside, which resulted in a series of f bombs from the youngin.
     A female customer got into the kid's face and started yelling at him about how to treat a lady.  Then she said, "And that young girl is pregnant."  The youngin, displaying his limited vocabulary, indicated the customer, and the clerk, could have sexual relations with themselves, which seemed to further incense the customer.
     Meanwhile the kid's friend, another boy but not thin, gaunt, fidgety, with a limited vocabulary, told his friend to just go out and wait in front.  He used bro instead of the f word.
     The kid left, but the customer followed him to the door and said things like, respect yourself, treat people better, behave and the kid responded by raising both middle fingers.
     The female customer then said "Yeah, well same to you," giving him both her fingers and then she turned her back on him, stuck out her butt, and yelled "And you can kiss my ass!"
     I got my lottery tickets and left.
     Out in the parking lot the kid started yelling at the female customer as she got  in her car  I'd be surprised if she didn't try to run him down.
     Which proves my belief that Rochelle is like any other city.  We have our idiots. 
     I'm just glad this did not escalate to a physical incident...with me in the middle.
     I say this every time....if you don't hear from me after Saturday, I am a big winner!!  If not, I'm just a wiener without a bun.
     Peace and Love....especially to the people at the gas station.

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