Monday, April 1, 2019

smell that meat

I cooked on my grill tonight!

     Thanks, John, for getting the new regulator on the grill.
     If you remember the saga, the grill was not firing up.  Some of you suggested it might be spiders in the line, a faulty tank, my ineptness......  but Weber said it was probably the regulator.
     I ordered a new regulator and discovered I was not strong enough to get the old one off!  I tried, and I tried, and I tried, but I could not get the sucker to budge.  I have never been real strong, but I have always been strong enough.  (I have started using a different deodorant.)  I was not up to the task.
     John came over Friday and while I was off getting my pedicure, he changed the regulators.
     I fired the grill up tonight and cooked a perfect hamburger....seared on the outside, a tad pink in the middle.
     I had an ear of corn and beans from the garden and all was good.  (The corn was from Emily and John's neighbor Adam.  He gave us some sweetcorn last fall and I froze some ears.)
     Sadly, I did not pull any practical jokes on this April 1.  I must be losing my touch.
     Now to sleep for the big show tomorrow!!
Love and Peace

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