Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I presented a travel program tonight

     I thought it went well.
     Granted, I needed some help from the  audience to load the slide show.....I had done it 3 times to be sure I could load it, and tonight....I could  not.  Thanks Renee and Ken for your help!
     I used a Google presentations program on a Windows computer.  I am an Apple person, so things were  a little different.
     I ended up using the hunt and peck typing method because I could not adjust to the keyboard.  Words that should have been easy to spell, like presentations, came out ;trnysyopmd because I could not line my fingers up on the correct home keys.
     I do know how to type.  I can type without looking at the keyboard.  I am pretty accurate, but I do make mistakes.  But going to a new keyboard was a nightmare.
     I hope people enjoyed the program.  For some reason, I was nervous about it.       You'd think I would be used to speaking to a group, but tonight I was a little anxious.  Maybe the cold threw me, or something else. seemed to go well.
     Now, I need a solid night's sleep.  No getting up early to take glasses in for new lenses.  No meetings for three hours during my nap time.  Rain on the way so my planned outside activities may be postponed.  Could be a restful day.
     Peace and Love

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