Saturday, March 2, 2019


I started reading a new book today

     I fell asleep on page 2.
     Now, I hope that is not an omen about the book, which is a real life account of Resistance fighters in France in WW II.
     Maybe I was just tired.  I went to bed about 2 and got up at 9....but oh that dream.
     I was in it, but not in it.  Does that make sense?
     It was a star studded dream.  Katherine Helmond was in it.  She is the actress who just died.  She was married to Buddy Ebsen and they lived in an old run down farmhouse.  The basement had a dirt floor and Ebsen's parents and grand parents were buried in the basement.
     Kathrerine heard a noise and went to investigate.  She picked up a stool and hit somebody in the head as they came in the back door.  But Buddy's father came up from the basement and said he wanted pancakes and ordered the pancakes through Buddy.   Then Buddy came down and they had pancakes.  For some reason Steve McQueen came in the front door and said, "Momma I'm home.  I'm going to the basement."  And Helmond started crying.
      I don't know who she hit in the head, I don't know why I was there and I don't know if they had syrup on their pancakes.
      All I know is it was about 3:30 a.m. when I got up and wrote this crap down.
      RIP Katherine, and Buddy, and Steve....and please, don't pay me any more visits.  I need my  beauty sleep.
Peace and Love

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