Sunday, March 10, 2019

it's always the details

I sometimes drive myself nuts

     I focus on totally insignificant things and then complain about them every time I encounter them.
     For instance:  When people in sitcoms come into a room the lights are on 99 percent of the time.  And when they leave the room, they never turn out the lights!  What kind of subliminal message is that sending?
     Another instance:  On Big Bang Theory, they never lock the door when they leave and they seldom use a key to open it when they come home!  And they have been burgled!!!
     Still another instance:  Fireplaces.  Almost every show that has a fireplace has it going.  When they come in the room, the fireplace is on.  When they leave, the fireplace is on.  What about safety?  Saving natural resources?  Being practical??
     There's more.  When people are in a car and the driver looks at the other person for long periods of time....shouldn't they have their eyes on the road ahead?  Damn poor driving habits that have probably resulted in a 200 percent increase in rear end accidents in the US!!
     Don't get me started on commercials.  Especially when the people in them are portrayed as too dense to open a package of chips without spilling everything, or idiots that can't eat food without dripping it down their fronts, or busybodies talking to total strangers about constipation or hemorrhoids.  And bears using toilet paper?  Spare me the insanity!!
     Some people don't like me bringing these obvious errors to the attention of anyone willing, or unwilling, to listen.
     I'm glad real life isn't like tv.
    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  I have to go now and turn off the fireplace and lock the doors.
Peace and Love

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