Sunday, March 17, 2019

it's not easy being odd

I am not talking about my personality 

     I do admit I have some strange quirks, like believing that I will still be a published author, professional actor, and member of a traveling improv comedy show.
     And sometimes I think Corki is my mother reincarnated, but Jackie says that is a crazy thought.  Is it?
     I am also not talking about my inability to complete tasks, stay on task, organize a task or get rid of things that I no longer need or use in life. 
     By odd, I am talking clothing sizes.
     I have started wearing an XL Tall when it comes  to long sleeve shirts.  Why?       Well, the sleeves tend to shrink and with a regular size I end up with what looks like a 3/4 sleeve.  Plus, the talls are longer and don't pop out of my pants as easily.
     But here's where I mean odd.  (I know, finally!)
     I used to wear a 36 waist, but when that became too uncomfortable, I went to a 38.  Sometimes I order regular fit, sometimes I order relaxed fit and I really can't tell much of a difference.
     But 38 seems to be too big.
     When I walk around the house in my 38 jeans without a belt, within 10 steps the pants will drop down around my ankles.  I think it's funny.  Jackie keeps telling me to put on a belt.
     I have an old  belt I wear when working outside.  It has a couple of flaws, or rips, and sometimes when I am wearing that belt my pants will drop a little. 
     I was an assistant at our church service today.  I helped offer the wine to communicants.
     All was well until I took a few steps and felt my pants slowly beginning to go down.  I had a chalice in one hand, and a cloth in the other, so neither hand was  free.
    I figured I was ok, but the pants went down a little farther.
    I started to Panic, with a capital P.  I put the chalice and cloth in one hand and pulled up hard.  Took two steps, slip, pull up hard.  Took two steps, slip, pull up hard.
     I must have looked very odd to anyone paying close attention.
     I neglected to tighten my belt to the correct hole....and it showed.
     Luckily the pants did not go far, but I had a sinking feeling about being totally embarrassed and having to find a new church.
     I am just glad I did not find the whole situation extremely funny and start giggling.....heaven's knows, I have done that in a church before.
     I guess I either need to gain weight to make the 38s fit better, or lose weight to get  back into the 36s.  There are not a lot of options for 35s out there.
     And in the future, I will check my belt before leaving the house.
     Peace and Love

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