Saturday, March 30, 2019

what the hell

It was a good day until the eighth inning

     As a Cub fan, I have high expectations for the guys this year.  But they didn't show any magic tonight.  Maybe the top of the ninth will be different, we'll see.
     I went to go out today and this is what I saw.

     That is my driveway and what I thought was grass was actually worms.  It seemed there were a thousand worms on the driveway, all dead.  The road had worms on it also. 
I worry that the worms won't be around to help my yard and garden.  Anybody else see this today?

     Speaking of pictures, what is odd about this one:

     I got upset when I hung the last shirt on a hanger.  Up till then, I had a green shirt on a green hanger, pink on pink, white on white, and a shirt with black on a black hanger.  I ran out of pink.  Jackie thinks I am a bit .....well..... overly sensitive to the order of things.
     We have a set of dishes and some are blue, some red.  I have them alternated on the shelf, in the dishwasher, and when I set the table, which can be difficult.
Sometimes those things just bother the hell out of me.
     And the Cubs lost.  No undefeated season.
     Tomorrow, for sure.
     Love an Peace

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