Thursday, March 28, 2019


I had these plans.....

     Put the cover back on the egress window.  Bring up Jackie's Easter decorations.  Change the toilet seats.  Go to the Chautauqua at the museum.
     What I did not plan was to fall asleep from 10 until noon.  I also didn't plan on being so tired during the Cubs game that I may have fallen asleep then too. 
     A friend stopped by about 8 and we had some wine...which may help me sleep tonight.
     I hate complaining about colds, but they make me so tired!  I don't have energy to do much of anything except close my eyes.  Even if I don't sleep, I feel refreshed with the eyes shut. was still a good day.  A Cub win is always good.
     Supper was strange.  Since Jackie does Nutri System, I do my own supper.  We had a taco shell in the fridge, some chili, some cheese and I thought....a chili taco!
     It all seemed to be fine until I tried to eat it and the chili dripped out of the end of the taco.  Maybe I should have folded it shut, like a burrito.
     Next time I will know better.
Peace and Love

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