Tuesday, March 26, 2019

bah, humbug

I am not a spring person

     It stays too cold too often.  The ground is muddy.  Every scrap of paper or trash discarded over the winter shows up.  My yard looks like hell.
     There is so much deer poop and deer prints in the back yard....they must have had parties at night out there!  Were deer responsible for all my bird seed getting eaten at night?  Cursed critters.
     The weather is like a roller coaster.  We could have up to 2 inches of rain over the next few da7ys.  Or it could snow.  Who knows?
     I put on a light jacket and I am cold.  I wear my winter coat and I am hot.  Short sleeves or long sleeves?  I have no clue.
     Sure, it may be 48 outside.  But the wind is blowing, so it feels colder.  But they don't do a wind chill unless it is 32 or below, so tough noogies.
     I have two Cubs games in April.  I probably will be wearing my winter coat, hat and gloves. 
     I know I sound grumpy, because I am. 
     I have a cough.  And sneezing.  My nose is running.  I am back to having a strong hot toddy before bed.
     But I have miles to go before I sleep, so I will stagger onward into the night.
Peace and Love and 70s. Please.

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