Saturday, March 16, 2019


Somebody asked me what I did today

     I answered, " was a laid back day."
     And I wondered why I said that.
     I took out recycling, did three loads of laundry, washing all three and folding two of them; went to the museum and figured out how to load my presentations slide show for the Chautauqua, and went to 3 places for dinner.
     That's right.....3 places.
     I thought we were done with those days.
      When the kids were little, Julia wouldn't eat hamburgers.  Well, she still doesn't.  Emily would not eat hot dogs.  So we would look for a hot dog place near a hamberder place.  It wasn't always easy.
     Jackie wanted a Reuben tonight.  So I went to McDonald's for a green shake and a plain hamberder on a bun for Corki.  Next I went to Country School for chicken and an ice cream cone.  Then I went to Arby's for the Reuben.
     Yes, I know.  We spoil the dog.  And I could have had a sandwich at Arby's, but I suddenly felt like eating chicken.
     Granted, I did read for a while, nodding off for a short nap somewhere in the middle of the French resistance effort.  Which may explain why I am pretty awake now.
     All of this leads me to ponder why I said "nothing."
     I actually had a pretty busy day.
     But my guess is the person asking didn't really care and was just making conversation.  And I probably saved a lot of time by saying "nothing."  And time is important, because I didn't want my ice cream to melt.  And the more I talked, the more it would melt.
     But next time, I may be a little more candid about my day.
     Peace and Love

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