Saturday, March 23, 2019


What the hell is going on in my life?

     How do I chip a tooth eating pizza?  I thought that would be physically impossible.....yet, I did.  Chipped a front tooth.  Damn
     That makes one broken tooth and two chipped in a six month period.
     I could see chipping on on a popcorn kernel, or a piece of hard candy.  But pizza?  Ridiculous.
     Since I have turned 70, I have gotten hearing aids, am getting an implant, and generally have gone downhill in a hurry.
     What the hell.
     Aging is supposed to be a relaxing time in the life stage.  No job worries, not many other worries.....but then the body starts to fall apart.
     First it's the ears.  Then the teeth.  Then the eyes.  Next my toes will start falling off.
     I am getting pretty tired of my failing body.
     It could be worse, I know.
     I still have most of my mind intact.  Tell me why this is.  Twice in the past three days I have encountered people I have known for a long time.  One lady had two kids in my class.  I remembered their names.  I asked about them by name.  But her name?  I remembered it as I climbed in my car.  I should have yelled out. "Nice talking  to you Jane,"  but I felt that was a bit of a stretch.
     Tonight, while picking up a pizza, I ran into two people and they said Hi Terry.  My mind was blank.  As soon as I got in my car, I remembered Ted and Judy.  Why didn't I remember when I saw them?
     Maybe it's my car.  Maybe it's a memory chamber!  I just thought of that.  When I get in the car, I remember.  Maybe I should never leave my car when I am in public.  Drive thru at the bank, the fast food places, where ever I meet people I should get in my car to talk to them.
     That wouldn't be weird, would it?
     Not as weird as chipping a tooth eating soft food, at least.
Love and Peace

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