Tuesday, March 12, 2019

updates...film at 11

I realize I may have left my faithful readers hanging

     So....here are some updates on life as I live it.
     I did get my slide show done and on a program that I can access from the museum computer.  You may recall my complaining that I could not do what I wanted to do.  I have spent hours....seriously, I have not worked this hard since I was fake teaching.....getting the slides in a presentation format.  I still have to do some looking at my notes and old blogs to refresh my mind about Cuba and the Netherlands.  The program is March 27, which also happens to be Jackie's birthday.  I asked first.
     I have been walking on a treadmill and riding my indoor bike.  I try to walk one day, ride the next, and so far results have been mixed.  I did walk 2 miles today, but I seem to be stuck on 6 miles for riding.  Coincidentally, the show I have been watching on Netflix ends at about 6 miles, so maybe that has something to do with it.
     We had fondue a couple of weeks ago.  We opened a second bag of fondue cheese, but only used a part of it.  Julia suggested using it on food, so I have had a hamburger with fondue cheese, two meals of turkey, and a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, corn, beans and a meat I don't remember, buried under melted fondue cheese.  It all has been surprisingly good. 
     Jackie has been eating NutriSystem meals, so I cook for me.  Tomorrow:  pork chops with carrots, tomatoes, peas.  Oh, I will put fondue cheese on the pork chop.
     My comedy group is meeting tomorrow night to plan out a show.  I am excited to visit with them and laugh.  Miss them, I do.
Scheduled my first implant session today.  Set it for April 9, which means I did not check my calendar.  Hopefully my 9 a.m. appointment will not affect my 2 p.m. meeting.  They promised it would not be painful and would be short.  Then  the good dentist explained what he would do.  After they revived me, we decided gas was a good option.
     That's about it.
     Oh, I am reading a book on the French resistance during WWII.  The print is very small and I can only read a little at a time.  It is almost 400 pages.      Somebody start a pool for the day I stop reading it.
     Peace and Love

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