Wednesday, March 13, 2019

where are the Russkies?

 I noticed something strange about my blog

     Every once in a while I like to check the statics of this little effort.
     For example, so far the blog has had 154,000 views.  Thank you for reading about my sometimes boring life.
      And today I looked at the audience, where people are logging in.  Of course the US is first, Switzerland is second (thank you Julia), and there is Brazil, Greece, France......and a bunch of others, but no Russia.
     In past checks, there have always been Russians looking at the blog.
     Maybe they were hackers trying to influence the election.  Maybe they tried to hijack my blog to post totally useless information.  Oh, wait.
     Whatever, the Russkies seem to have disappeared, along with the readers from the other formerly Soviet states.
     Coincidence?  Or Conspiracy?  You decide.
     I cleaned the desk area today.  It looks nice.  I tossed a lot of stuff I have been saving to use for something that I can't remember.  I even tossed some magazines.
     Of course, when I say tossed I mean put in the bin to recycle.
     I am just glad recycling does not go out tonight.  The wind is howling.  I can see my recycling buckets would be blowing down the street, so I am happy to keep them safe in my garage until next week.
     The wind has a certain way of unnerving me.  I get a little edgy.  I don't like it.
     Sleep will not be easy tonight.  Of course, it never is for me.
Peace and Love

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