Sunday, March 3, 2019

dream on

I need a pinch of reality

     I found the perfect get away house in Chicago for Jackie and me.  A pied de terre, I think the French call it.  A small place in the city where you can escape from the country, or stay overnight if you have work or a sporting event.
     I am calling my bank loan officer tomorrow.  I will tell Dale this is an opportunity that can't be ignored!
     The house has been reduced by almost $5 million, and is now listed at $45,000,000.   Strangely, the listing says it has 25,000 square feet, but the Cook County assessor's office only has it at 15,000 square feet.  I am sure the 10,000 square foot difference does nothing to change the assessment and was not done as a favor to the current owners as a way to lower property taxes.
     There are 9 bathrooms....which means I can use a different one every day of the week!  I have always wanted to have enough bathrooms so that I didn't have to use the same one twice in a week.
     There are 7 fireplaces and a reflecting pool.  I am sure I would do a lot of reflection.  I would have time, because the lot is  a little over half the size of mine, so there should not be a lot of yard work.
     And I even found a car that I could use in the city.  It's a armored Cadillac Escalade and runs between $300,000 and $500,000, depending on if you want cup holders.
     I don't begrudge people their money.  But sometimes I think it would not be such a bad idea to tax the really rich more than they tax the rest of us.  A lot more.
     Of course, I may feel differently when I save enough to put a down payment on the $45,000,000 house. 
     One dime at a time.    And remember, it's only money.
     Peace and Love

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