Monday, March 11, 2019

verrrrrrry interesting

People on cell phones in public need to speak softly

     I was waiting for Jackie in a doctor's office today.  There was a man on his phone, also waiting.  He was talking very loudly.  Not angry, not mean, just loud.
      I don't know what they were talking about, by my ears perked up when the guy near me said, "If that happens you're either gonna find me in a hospital or prison."  And he laughed.
     I don't listen on purpose, but sometimes the talker is too loud.
     I was in a Barnes and Noble one time and a lady was browsing a section and talking to someone on the phone.  She was very loud and very concerned that the person on the other end had a wife who would go ballistic if she found out about them.  She then set up a meeting date and time, repeating the location out loud for anyone to hear.
     And you can't help hearing those conversations.  People talk like they are in the privacy of their homes.  Hint:  You are in public!!!  Don't tell us about your affairs or that you are in the soup aisle looking for cream of mushroom.  Nobody wants to hear that!
     And for sanity sake men, don't be at a urinal and take a phone call when I am doing my business next to you.
     Last week I stepped up to the commode at the oasis on 88 and the guy next to me said, "Hello.  How are you today.  I'm fine."  I admit, I was a little flattered because he was very young and good looking.  Thankfully, later I saw he had a Bluetooth device inserted in his ear on the other side, which I  could not see.
     By the way, I did not respond.  I just stared straight ahead.  If I had turned, I would have ruined his shoes.
     In the old days, when you saw someone walking down the street talking to themselves, you figured they were a little off.  Now days you can hide  that little quirk by sticking an earpiece on your head.
     Come to think of it, maybe I will try that sometime.  Just for laughs.
     Or not.
Peace and Love

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