Wednesday, August 31, 2016

that was sudden

I said something today I have not said in months

     I am not ashamed of what I said.  I meant it.
    Yet, I am not proud of it either.  I could have chosen a different word, a different action perhaps.
     But I did not.
     I said chilly.
    As in, "I'm chilly."
    I was sitting out on the porch, in the shade, having a coffee, when I said it.
    I said it again when I finished mowing.
    I said it a third time when I was picking tomatoes.  (By the way......we might have a couple of fresh ones, if you are interested.)
     I noticed it was fairly dark at 8.  No more late walks, or bike rides.
    Summer officially started June 21 and officially ends September 22.  Don't complain to me, I did not set those rules.
     But with a chill in the air, and Labor Day approaching, I think it is safe to say, summer is nearly over.
     But I am not ready to go from chilly to freezing.  That is too much of a stretch for me.
     Tonight I sleep in the back bedroom, windows open, enjoying the night air and sounds.
     I haven't said that for a long time either.

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