Thursday, August 11, 2016

half the battle

My computer ignorance hurts

     I can't open my comcast e mail on my little computer.  Don't know why.  I have entered every password and variation I can, and nothing.  Nada. Zilch.
     So, if you have e mailed me in the last 24 hours, I will not yet be responding.  I may never respond.
     My old computer had a failing hard drive, as John said.  So I got a new computer.
     I now have learned why back up is important.
     At some point, maybe because of the hard drive failure, my computer stopped automatic back ups, evidently quite a while ago.
     You might as well know:  I have writtend the great American novel.  Not only have I written one, I am close to finishing a second and have about one fifth of a third one done.  All on my now dead computer.
     But John and Emily are computer literate, so they are loading all our old crap onto our new computer.  Hopefully.
     I know that I have to go through my word files and delete all the stuff I don't want or need.....we have too much stuff saved.  Sa me with e mail.  And pictures.
     But that is another day....another frustration to encounter.
     If it wasn't for Emily and John, I'd be hauling the old and new computer back to the store and paying them to transfer the data.  Thank you two, very much.
     And once it is transferred, the Apple store people  will recycle it.  Which will be much better than me storing it in the basement.
     With all my other treasures.

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