Tuesday, August 23, 2016

tired, but happy

I rode my bike to Rotary today
     The weather was nice, the temperature  perfect,  and I needed to take a longer ride.
     The fact that I had a chance to rest and have lunch before riding back was also a plus.
     The ride was quite uneventful.  No dogs.  No close calls with cars.  No falling off my bike in loose gravel.  No major heart attack.  Or minor one either.
     All in all, it was a good ride.
    I ride down Fowler to Center, north on center to Hemstock, then down Hemstock to Hilldrest.  I cut  through Hillcrest and pick up the bike path there.
     On the way home I went to Cypress House for a coffee.  I hadn't been there for a week or two, and wanted to check out the new look
     It is very nice.  The front blacktop has been removed and concrete installed.  The patio is level, smooth, and nice looking.  They have added some very comfortable chairs and a table, and it is a very pleasant place to relax, have a coffee, and visit with people.
     The only thing missing is a nice lake across the street.
     Kudos to Krista and Elka for the improvements.
     Stop in and get a cup of java and spend some time outside.  If you are going, give me a call, I may just join you!
     My total ride was 19.9 miles.
     I found some pictures on my phone that I had not yet downloaded to a computer.  I have now, but am still in mourning over the lost photos and best sellers.
     Anyway, here's a few I found that I liked.

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